173-Pressed Press
I guess Binding of Isaac is kinda like Baby Butt Poop. And I do wanna record that. Brb, backing up my site.
Lily’s starting kindergarten, Lily’s starting kindergarten, Lily’sl estaringlask dindgarnten!
And I’ve finally, ~5 years after starting all this crap, I’ve finally made myself a schedule. So far, it’s working out and I’ve actually arranged it to where I don’t work the amount of 2 full-time jobs! Unfortunately, it doesn’t include making shirts or doing commissions, so unless Patreon picks up, I’ll need to put in extra hours to make this what nerds call “financially viable”. Psh.
I feel so bad for Airscape’s dev, to have such a great game and have it fail the way it did. It’s only getting attention because of it’s tremendous failure. something something, really ironic.
Aw, this is the first time I’ve heard of this. I did notice they didn’t get much further press than their initial award/accolade stuff. Poor devs…
Yeah, if you’re pro-gg it’s safer not to come out as such,
Not safe, pro or anti, it seems. Like the comic says, I’ll just stay out of it. I got a family to think of. ><
… A lot of the evidence of “Harassment” of pro-GG is unverified, dubious (It’s more likely Milo got that needle because of an article condemning drug addicts he wrote before getting it, since it’d, y’know, be relevant to that), debunked, etc. Meanwhile, harassment of people who oppose GG? (Anti-GG: Not really a thing. There is no unified force of everyone who things Gamergate is bad, sorry) We’ve got police reports, evidence of SWATing, posts of reams of verifiable harassment of Sarkeesian and others (Not always verifiable as coming from Gamergate, but all the same), and… yeah. I’ve personally been harassed by Gamergaters more than once. One time for daring to tell one that making jokes about killing trans people was bad. (No, really)
I see less harassment toward pro-GG and more blackballing from the industry. In any case, I don’t support ANY group or person who hurts others. Everyone is just scared and wants to live their lives. And I agree, that “joke” sounds like it was in very bad taste.
I feel like this is accurate to everyones lives. I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…I want dat one…
Airscape’s failure really concerns me; it’s just further proof that even if my own game turns out well there’s still a significant chance that very few people will actually care, even if I can reach thousands of them through youtube let’s players and such.