And that ends that. Were you perhaps expecting Bender? Someone suggested this, and I was thinking how awesome it’d actually be. Maybe in the future…

Sackboy will probably become a more regular character, but that’s not to say you won’t see Marcus around. I really enjoy the Gears universe.

This weekend was the worst, so far, for Lily. Once again, I slept a collective 6 or 7 hours over the weekend, due to all the teething-induced interrupted sleeps. Luckily, Tenley is home, now, so maybe I can get some drawing done! Yaay! Also, after midnight, she turns 10 months old! Time has flown far too fast… *nostalgia*

I’d bore you further, but I gotta get Friday’s comic started now, or I’ll never make the deadline. Hopefully, I’ll see you then!