
Here we are at 200 comics! I love it! It’s a beefy number! Thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting me!
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Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little arc!


After much urging, I’ve finally visited a little asian market in Portland called Uwajimaya. It’s great. The stock is amazing. But forget about that, because there’s a store inside the store– NO XZIBIT NO– that sells an impressive assortment of Japanese books. My Japanese gets rustier every day, but now that I’m able to buy manga in moonrune I once more have an excuse to practice! I picked up some Dagashi Kashi, some Shin-chan and the first volume of Tokyo Ghoul (I normally avoid the ‘top 10’ series because they’re almost invariably shounen trope mangas, but DANG IT I have to take a chance).

The first time we went, it was without Lily (to buy some Youkai merch for her b-day), but she’s been begging us to take her ever since she opened a figurine of Komasan eating Whisper as an icecream. She’s currently got her sights on a special Jibanyan manga I saw last visit. She’s treating our trip tomorrow like it’s Christmas. I’m probably not going to get much sleep tonight.